
Illumine Interim Executives specializes in keeping non-profit organizations healthy so that they can best serve their important missions. When an executive responsible for important functions leaves, the time of change my provide an opportunity to assess the organization's operations and strengthen the infrastructure. If your non-profit is working with a leadership transition, an interim leader might be what you need.
Illumine offers more than a stop-gap measure. We provide a different perspective, critical expertise in a variety of areas, and problem solving that helps build a solid foundation from which to grow. Our approach begins with meeting key board members and reviewing mission-critical documents. Listening carefully to staff, board, and constituents,
we develop a culture of trust and accountability.
Illumine Interims offer an assessment of your organization that includes a review of processes and documentation related to financial management/internal controls, personnel management, communications/public relations, governance, and fundraising. With staff and board members engaged throughout the process, we take what we learn and set goals. The result is a stronger organization financially, operationally, and programmatically.

Illumine Interims are passionate about structurally-sound organizations. We are inclusive team builders, decisive decision makers, experienced managers of people and resources, and we are enthusiastic about nonprofits achieving meaningful impact. Our goal at Illumine is to fill the leadership void, strengthen infrastructure, and reinvigorate teams so the incoming executive can help the organization thrive.
Contact Us Today
Feel free to write to us. We would be happy to set up a free consultation.